Hey everyone,
Just wanted to introduce myself. I'm a small, one man shop here in Southern California. I have a "fairly successful" line of tees and hoodies, etc that I print to order and sell retail through my own site and a couple retailers. By successful, I mean, it started as a hobby basically a 2.5 years back, then grew to a full time thing after about a year and a half. It's still got a ways to go, but it's getting there.
When I say small shop, I mean small. Small Vastex press and very small dryer, everything hand printed to order. I do a good amount of business though. Well...enough to survive here in SoCal. But we are looking to move out of state soon, and hopefully that will mean a bigger shop and a bigger DRYER first and foremost!
I've recently started converting over to water based inks from plastisol as well.
I used to post at the other forum every now and then, but can no longer take it over there.
I'm self taught and while I feel I have a decent grasp on stuff, I love screen printing because I learn something new, and am humbled by it daily.
I'm hoping to gain even more knowledge from you guys. And really hoping I don't see the standard "just heat press your rough hoodie prints" response that I see over at the "other place".