Author Topic: When you get to the bottom of your 5 Gallon Bucket (particularly with white)...  (Read 4659 times)

Offline ScreenPrinter123

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So, what tricks do you use to make the most of all of the ink at the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket AND REMAIN CLEAN!  I use a spatula and the further down we go in the bucket, the more we're putting the spatula in horizontally to scoop ink out, and we then hit the sides of the bucket with the bottom of the handle, which now has a lovely goop of white ink on it and then your hand eventually gets some on it as well because of that, and so goes the cycle.  We have some of those picarelli guns and they work great, but when you get down to about 1"-4" left at the bottom, it's spatula time because the suction doesn't work with those guns well with that little bit of ink.  But that's when it gets messy....  Any tips?  Sometimes we break the 5 gallons down to 1 gallons, other times not.  Still have to contend with the messiness either way. 

Offline Inkworks

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This, and a disposable exam glove "for going deep":

Wishin' I was Fishin'

Offline Dochertyscott

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Haha, something we have just come to terms with.. A rag nearby the bucket of white gets a hammering.
I'm interested in some tips also.
Already stoked to discover that ink gun I have never seen before.
Do any tsb users supply these and ship inetrnationally?


Offline screenprintguy

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glove up and ink cards get the bottom stuff out easily. Then we set the bucket on a box under a flash for about 20 mins, it cures all the ink in and out of the bucket, and then it's ready for the trash =)
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline TCT

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Already stoked to discover that ink gun I have never seen before.
Do any tsb users supply these and ship inetrnationally?

If that is the ink gun that looks a bit like a bazooka.... They look and are cooler in concept than actually using them.... I would rather throw it away than try to clean it.

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline tonypep

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Agreed. Every shop I've been to that has one has it laying under the dryer collecting dust

Offline Frog

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screenprinter123 seems to like his gun.  Seems like a lot of varied cat-skinning methods and tools in this industry
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline screenprintguy

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Jamie from InkBrigade uses them, bulk caulking guns with ink in them, he says he's not a big fan of them, but employes like them.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline sqslabs

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This, and a disposable exam glove "for going deep":

Yeah, I'm getting one of these ASAP.  Thanks for the heads up. 

We used an ink card last time we broke down a 5 into gallons.  The remnants of that is still on my car seats.
Squeegee Science
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Offline Underbase37

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Cut a long sleeve off a scrap shirt or just put on the long sleeve, use a regular LaTeX glove wrapped the wrist around the cuff of the sleeve. Put the bucket on table & open the new bucket, scrape the last of the old into the new & mix, only one person gets dirty one time & he/she can just pull it all off into the trash & be done. Seem most of the ink manufacturers use 5.5 or 6 gal. buckets these days so it work out pretty nicely.

Offline screenprintguy

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This, and a disposable exam glove "for going deep":

Yeah, I'm getting one of these ASAP.  Thanks for the heads up. 

We used an ink card last time we broke down a 5 into gallons.  The remnants of that is still on my car seats.

hahahahahahahah  sorry man, been t here too, then in the house, on the dog, ect
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline Mr Tees!!

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...Simple solution: we worked out a deal with our white ink supplier, that as long as we buy at least five gallons at a time, we can get them in five single-gallon containers. This happened recently, and I think its one of the smartest moves I have ever made. It was really surprising how much easier it is to keep things cleaner around here. Scooping from the 5er to the single can be a mess, and leaves the area where the 5ers are stored an even bigger mess...but now I don't deal with all that. I also find it easier to take a quick glance and know when we need to order more, instead of guessing when that 5er is gonna run out.

...Concerning the guns, they are called Picarelli's I bought a couple, one of them broke and the other goes unused now. I guess they have their place in a hi-pro shop that needs to keep a fast machine loaded up on the underbase screen, but for most of us its probably more hassle than its worth. And yeah, when that fiver gets down to about 2-3 inches left, its useless.

Thanks TSB gang!!

...Sean, Mr Tees!!!

Offline inkbrigade

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Jamie from InkBrigade uses them, bulk caulking guns with ink in them, he says he's not a big fan of them, but employes like them.
Yep, I think they are awful. But the employees and my wife (who runs the shop) swear by them. So I guess I'm in the minority.
Wish List / Let me know if your selling any of the following:  Newman (Stretch Devices) Orange Screen Racks and Press Carts
Saturn Screen Racks / Press Cart

Offline ScreenPrinter123

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We use then for underbase and black on large runs and they are great.  Helps a 2 man operation have shorter amounts of only one person loading and pulling.  We keep them dedicated to a specific color because cleaning them would make them not worth it

Offline Shanarchy

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1 gallon buckets. We refill the 1 gallon bucket from the 5 as it gets low. Much easier and cleaner to deal with when on press. Plus I like to keep whatever inks I'm using for the job I'm running on my ink cart near the press. The 5 gallon buckets don't work to well for that.

However, I do like what Mr Tees is doing much better. I may have to ask if I can do the same.