Author Topic: We are upgrading our Lawson Apollo 6/8 automatic. What should we consider?  (Read 2830 times)

Offline tshirtfactorysd

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We're new to theshirtboard, so I'm not even sure I'm posting correctly. We are an established screen printing company, running a range of types and sizes of shirt orders daily. We're in our 30th year now, and we have an older Lawson Apollo that has served us well (and still is) but we need to upgrade to a more modern machine. We need at least 8 heads, and 10 would be better, but our space is limited. The footprint of the Apollo is 10' 8 inches, and with a little ingenuity we could possibly go as large as 14 feet. We do have a chiller, compressor, etc., but notice that most of the modern, faster machines are servo driven. What machines in the mid to upper price range should we be looking in to? Are there any reputable dealers that we could contact regarding reliable and trustworthy used machines?

Offline mimosatexas

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I don't have much to add to the thread, but I wanted to welcome you to the boards!  I'm sure the more knowledgeable guys will chime in :)

Offline Printficient

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Any newer machine would work.  I would encourage you to look at MHM, Anatol, TAS, M&R, Workhorse, etc.  Depending on your needs and thought processes I would say any of these would suffice.  MHM is by far the most advanced engineered machine available.  S Roque is another.  Cost of ownership is a consideration that should be considered.  The Anatol and Workhorse machines are easy to use.  M&R machines are numerous and their service is tough to beat.
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Offline Frog

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I also welcome you, and suggest a visit to the next industry show that you can attend.
Seeing a variety of machines can help put this into perspective.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline TCT

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Another welcome!

Where are you located?
Have you ever been to any ISS shows? The biggest one yearly is in Long Beach in January. LOTS to learn and see there.

Is your current press all air or AC? How many colors do you typically run on a job? What size screens do you guys use? Sorry for all the questions, I am just clueless when it comes to Lawson machines.

Do you ever do oversized prints? Do you guys use the machine for high production long runs or 50 or so shirt runs, just saving your printers back?

Any of these questions can help all of us give our opinion(which may be more than you are reddy for ;D )

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Offline Binkspot

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Visit an ISS show, talk to the manufactures or contact them directly to see the machines in person. Put your hands on it to see the pros and cons. See what fits your shop best. Do not forget about after sales parts, support and service. Also consider integration with existing or future equipment. Between all the members here almost every manufactured machine is covered (someone has the machine your looking at).

Offline tshirtfactorysd

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Thanks all for the welcome! These forums are so helpful to all of us. We currently run 23x31 screens on our older Lawson Apollo. We mostly use it for 100 shirts or more, whether it's one or more colors. We do a lot of multiple color work, though, and one of our problems is printing simulated process color on our six color press when the shirt color is dark, or worse, black. We've been very successful doing large military orders with many colors, but it's been difficult, and having at least an 8 or 10 color press would help tremendously. Space is limited, at least for now, and the press can't be more than 14 - 15 feet, but really 12 would be more comfortable. We do go to the ISS show in Long Beach...close the shop and take everyone. The guys really enjoy a little field trip, and it's amazing the amount of information they absorb and bring back to the workplace. One thing I'd like to ask the forum for help with, is to help us find a reputable dealer in used equipment, hopefully in the LA area since we're located in San Diego (Oceanside). We may end up buying new, but I'm interested in seeing what kind of options might be out there for a good, reliable used press. I'd like to spend 25k - 35k, but realize we may be up around 65k - 90k for the really state of the art cool presses, like MHM. So...M&R, Workhorse (kind of like the Sabre, but the machine itself seems a little light on construction and we plan to print the hell out of it). Other ideas that might fit into our shop?

Offline mk162

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I wouldn't rule out RPM.  Side screen holders, so you have a smaller footprint.  lots of features and a pretty good price.

Offline Prosperi-Tees

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Also you are close to the TAS America operation in Glendale. If you want a heavy built press go check those out. Workhorse is in Arizona as well which isn't too far. Gotta be careful with used machinery in the LA area. Alot of em have been worked really hard.

Offline Anatolhelp

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We're new to theshirtboard, so I'm not even sure I'm posting correctly. We are an established screen printing company, running a range of types and sizes of shirt orders daily. We're in our 30th year now, and we have an older Lawson Apollo that has served us well (and still is) but we need to upgrade to a more modern machine. We need at least 8 heads, and 10 would be better, but our space is limited. The footprint of the Apollo is 10' 8 inches, and with a little ingenuity we could possibly go as large as 14 feet. We do have a chiller, compressor, etc., but notice that most of the modern, faster machines are servo driven. What machines in the mid to upper price range should we be looking in to? Are there any reputable dealers that we could contact regarding reliable and trustworthy used machines?

Please do all your homework when it comes to used machines.  Like a used car you don't know if the previous owner did all the maintenance on the machine, kept it clean and how well he took care of it.  Checking out May National in Glendale is a good choice.  Might want to check our the Anatol Volt, it doesn't need a Compressor or Chiller, and is a great machine.  Could send you references if you like of shops in you area that have it. 

Offline Homer

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if you do decide to go the used/refurb'd route. Call Tony @ CGS in New Jersey. nobody better in the industry when it comes to refurb'd machines and standing by what they sell. Looks like a G2 is on deck, ac/servo, nice machine...
...keep doing what you're doing, you'll only get what you've got...

Offline TCT

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There are going to be a handful of used TAS machines available soon in CA. I can see if I can get exact details if you would like.

Personally if I was buying a used machine, I would feel most comfortable buying a used M&R. There are enough of them around parts and without a doubt service will be easy to find if needed. I also would consider a used RPM and maybe a MHM. Since there are not as many RPM's out there, the owner Rick seemed to have a pretty good idea of how presses were ran in the field. Only thing that would make me a little weary about a used MHM is the fact they just don't come up too often. They are usually held on to and ran like hell. So if they do show up they are usually older machines that just haven't stopped spinning. That and the downside of having to deal with Hirsch.

If you are considering a new press, our final 4 in no particular order when we were looking were- MHM, M&R, RPM and S.Roque. M&R is planning on making quite a big splash with the release of the Gauntlet 3, you may want to inquire about that.
Board member Sqslabs did a pretty sweet post maybe 2 months ago about his decision process in buying a new press, I would say look it up and have a read.

Since you already have a chiller and compressor, the anatol volt that was mentioned kind of would be pointless for you. They do make other machines that that use air that if you were going that route would probably be less expensive.

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Offline mk162

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Since you already have a chiller and compressor, the anatol volt that was mentioned kind of would be pointless for you.

unless they are too small for a larger machine

What is this Gauntlet 3 thing?  Thems were some solid presses.  Simple, but really good.

Do you have a local tech you use?  Pick their brain on what they recommend.  Also, they usually are some of the first to know if somebody is looking at selling.

Offline Printficient

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One thing I'd like to ask the forum for help with, is to help us find a reputable dealer in used equipment, hopefully in the LA area since we're located in San Diego (Oceanside).
Winston Strickland is currently out there.  904-343-0848.  Been around as long as anyone I know.  Knows his stuff.
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Thanks all for the welcome! These forums are so helpful to all of us. We currently run 23x31 screens on our older Lawson Apollo. We mostly use it for 100 shirts or more, whether it's one or more colors. We do a lot of multiple color work, though, and one of our problems is printing simulated process color on our six color press when the shirt color is dark, or worse, black. We've been very successful doing large military orders with many colors, but it's been difficult, and having at least an 8 or 10 color press would help tremendously. Space is limited, at least for now, and the press can't be more than 14 - 15 feet, but really 12 would be more comfortable. We do go to the ISS show in Long Beach...close the shop and take everyone. The guys really enjoy a little field trip, and it's amazing the amount of information they absorb and bring back to the workplace. One thing I'd like to ask the forum for help with, is to help us find a reputable dealer in used equipment, hopefully in the LA area since we're located in San Diego (Oceanside). We may end up buying new, but I'm interested in seeing what kind of options might be out there for a good, reliable used press. I'd like to spend 25k - 35k, but realize we may be up around 65k - 90k for the really state of the art cool presses, like MHM. So...M&R, Workhorse (kind of like the Sabre, but the machine itself seems a little light on construction and we plan to print the hell out of it). Other ideas that might fit into our shop?
Our advertising and marketing department is located in Oceanside. They would be happy to schedule you some visits in the area with current M&R users and you can see for yourself if M&R is the right choice for you. Speak to Thad Hutton @ 760-966-7172 who is our marketing manager or our Western Sales manager Rich Nesladek @ 630-240-8676. There is also a customer that you may want to speak to who was in your exact situation. They can give you the contact information.
Rich Hoffman