Our stack method is quite a bit faster than the video posted. He handles the screens too often. We use these:
or a gong brush to apply the chemical by just dipping an end of the brush into a bucket of chemical (not dipping the whole brush in, just an end so you can control how much chemical you are applying), apply & scrub in one. Once you have a stack built grab and rinse.
I think by the time you've done the careful carding of ink before reclaiming, spent the extra time cleaning up the mess of the sticky plastisol being sprayed all over the booth and frames, and factored in the extra cost of the tank and increased amount of chemical used, that the stack method is probably pretty much just as fast and maybe a little cheaper.
It honestly never occurred to me that people might have been reclaiming 1 screen at a time through all the steps. I was shown the stack method on day one of my screen shop career.