Yep. What to do, what to do?
I can easily remember the occasional kick to my groins by a printer on old forums now and then that would chew me out for even implying I should be asking for the money I did.
Some people get offended if "you feel" you should be able to require what they consider a high price. Money hungry and selfish would be the tone.
I do look at my surroundings. The industry as a whole as you know, pays lower than others. That's is the paradigm we have here from the majority of the industry.
I've come to the place where I'm going to charge what (I want) out of it. In saying that, some may take that to mean a lot of money. Like you, I charge what I need to get out of it. If I can't, I cant. Happens all the time. There are certain expectations that come with the price. When you charge a high price, you work less jobs per year but can dedicate more "quality time" to those jobs.
With a full time gig now, I can be a little more choosy and also only take on jobs that are not a rush. It works out well.
I have mentioned a few times here and elsewhere that I've looked around at the way artist charge and the quality and quantity they out out. All phasing/levels have a good place here.
You can be low cost and very busy. Many customers and working long hours.
You can be the opposite of all that as well. The opposite had more appeal to me. That's where I will rest my hat. I've done it both ways and I have seen the promised land.

You of course are not wrong in any way, but there are some who will dislike you for it. If they ever get in an environment where they feel comfortable in being more open, they will also tell you so (as was the case at the old forums). Even when they do, it's no blood out of my nose. Live a happier life and do what you like best.