Films sticking have been a problem, especially the more I do in a row, the end ones seem to stick to the screen and the screen is stuck to the glass. No heater in my drying room right now, I typically turn on the AC and the dehumidifier when I get in this time of year. Off contact is pretty low, I don't go higher than 3mm except the rare occasion I get to about 4mm, though I did not check to see what everything was on this particular job as I did not run it. From what I could tell the underbase screen was the culprit. That was the last screen I burned for this job, which did stick to glass/screen, so maybe that has something to do with it. I only have 12 squeegees that I could use so they are really only 75 or 65/90/65, same squeegees i've used for the past 1 1/2 years. Boards are good, though one is slightly bowed front to back, but really isn't noticeable at all. Heads were re- paralleled about 3 months ago, so i'm guessing that isn't it. I am chocking it up to humidity/sticking screens. thats the only thing that makes any sense to me though I will have to pay better attention to whats going on through out the steps so that I can back track if/when it happens again.
I am currently looking for some Virgins too just in are they hard to find