Artist > Works In Progress-art process
Sketch attached. HAHAHA!
Well, you know how many people post up the best of the best. Thats much appreciated. I thought I'd be different and post up a stinker.
I hate doing this, but I thought for educations sake, we artist types can play with this and you non artist types can appreciate the struggles we go though some time. Me being the anal retentive artist that I am, I wanted to draw a pose of a Marlin that was unique or slightly different than what everyone else does. So, I pick the hardest foreshortening pose possible of course. See below.
To top that, I started out with the head and continued on to the tail. Now you upstarts that want to begin to draw, you should take note and do not do what I did. It can yield horrible results.
So as you can see, it ended up a stubby fish that looked more like it's momma was under nourished and he came out deformed. The tail is what I heard once in a movie once. I think it was called Full Metal Jacket and is FUBAR. Now, to go easy on myself, I gathers as much clear ref as could muster but never got great ref on the tail. Now, I know it doesn't look like this so here is where I prefer to be creative and here is where I can illustrate that being creative is a tad difficult at times.
You typically don't get photo reference in the exact position you want so I was drawing from what I imagined the anatomy to be. It was a mistake. I erased and drew and erased and drew that booger so many times it's not funny. Now, the customer was a bit anxious at this point and needed the art so, I finally just gave in and came back to the standard side view. I considered it a FAIL. So sad. Oh well, chalk that one up for learn'n.
Anyways, I thought some of you artist that are good at anatomy could post up some different approaches on how to grab this fish by the tail and give it what fur.
Where I first heard "FUBAR" was in Tango and Cash with Kurt Russel and Sly Stallone. They presented it well. Not sure if in other movies.
Tango & Cash- Boiler Room Brawl
Fresh Baked Printing:
Are you saying the fish doesn't look right?
--- Quote from: Fresh Baked Printing on August 17, 2011, 11:31:42 PM ---Are you saying the fish doesn't look right?
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Yes, that is correct. Really only the back end.
--- Quote from: Dottonedan on August 17, 2011, 11:50:55 PM ---
--- Quote from: Fresh Baked Printing on August 17, 2011, 11:31:42 PM ---Are you saying the fish doesn't look right?
--- End quote ---
Yes, that is correct. Really only the back end.
--- End quote ---
The back end looks like it has been twisted about 180 degrees. The flow from the spine to the tail doesn't make sense. At least that is how my eyeballs follow it.
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