Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I just called Super Bright LED's from the link on this thread.The salesman told me that both LED replacements they sell, the 17 and 18 watt are UV FREE! These are replacements for standard fluo tubes in an office.I am having him check with his supplier to see if they have a design that does have UV output.Emulsion has to have UV light to make a strong screen, one that resists pinholes and breakdown.Yes you can make images with just about any light if you expose long enough,but emulsion is exposed with UV light. I made a screen with a 100 watt incandescent with a 6 hour exposurebut this is only an image, not a production screen that would last very long.Any feedback on how these new LED tube replacements worked in your shop would be welcome.AlanMurakami Screen USAabuffington@murakamiscreen.com
I assumed it was for exposing, my bad.When you do install do a coin test in your screen room.Throw a few coins on a coated screen on the bench or floor.Leave on overnight. Wash out this screen the next day.If you see circles fall out the light is partially exposing stored screens.