Author Topic: Website (Wholesale Shirts) for sale  (Read 3512 times)

Offline dlac

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Website (Wholesale Shirts) for sale
« on: May 16, 2014, 06:10:30 PM »
I used to sell a lot of shirts under the Cracker Creek name.. Thought I wanted to do that again so I built a through Web.Com  they are still hosting it.. Go look.. but being old and tired I decided not what I wanted to do .. All the designs are transfers purchased through Dowling Graphics, The wilde side and ArtBrands.. I will do whatever possible to help you get up and running.  Old customer list, some of the existing designs I will throw in.. Any marketing Ideas I have I will share.. I really need to move this to keep from going nuts by just letting it sit there.. I would like to get $750.00 with probably close to $200.00 in Transfers.. I have a few active accounts.. Make me an offer, you might be suprised and end up owning a website that all you need is a little space and a heat press.. Can easily be grown into wholesale and retail and make you rich and famous and me sad for selling it to cheap..'  Will be more than glad to work out a deal to help supply new designs also.. Most of the new art I have done I sell to Dowling in that then I can buy back from them and not have to pay for production.. But will gladly sell to someone as exclusives..
David LaCrosse
Rastor to Vector is my favorite.. disastor is my
specialty and Dots make me crazy...