Author Topic: International Coatings Legacy White - Nazdar SourceOne  (Read 988 times)

Offline Rob Coleman

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International Coatings Legacy White - Nazdar SourceOne
« on: April 23, 2014, 08:59:42 AM »
I noticed a lot of activity on a thread regarding IC Legacy White.  I did not want to hijack that thread, hence this post.

In addition to Wilflex branded plastisols, Nazdar SourceOne has been an IC distributor for many years.  Our business with this product and IC7600 series has been growing significantly.  We currently keep significant inventory of Legacy White (1G and 5G pails) in numerous SourceOne locations.  Additionally, we inventory the 7600 colors in sizes as small as quarts.

Product is priced right.  Check it out here ---

Rob Coleman | Vice President
Textile Business Unit | Nazdar SourceOne |
(800) 677-4657 ext. 3708 | Cell (678) 230-4463