Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
After all these years, I still can't wrap my head around Adobe products.................Lately, I've been having boatloads of trouble with customer supplied artwork. I have Illy CS6 and have no issues opening the files there............but, but, butConverting that file to something I can use in Corel has become a constant struggle.Would anyone here be willing to teach this old dog some new tricks?It seems no matter what I do or what version I save a copy to................something important gets mucked up.I'm guessing, like Corel files, it all depends on how the file was created in the first place. I understand that.And I also understand that there is probably no 5 step easy conversion.But any guidelines at all would be oh so ever appreciated.Attached is an .eps I got this afternoon.Opens in Illy just dandy.Getting it converted to something I can use in Corel............a veritable nightmare.thanks:)