screen printing > Screen Making

What mesh count?

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I almost always add a little soft hand base to even Union ultrasoft to make it, you guessed it, even softer.
As for  white, I think that the rule of thumb is still to modify if needed to be able to clear the mesh. On an auto especially, folks may also find their own secret add-in formula to speed things up or smooth it out.

I have found that today's whites, in general, have tremendously increased "printability" over our father's whites, and that is also one of the reasons that we can now also use higher meshes than ten years ago.

Frog, you are right, and a lot of the inks with the same names as before have even changed.  Bright Tiger used to be so thick, it's now got a lot less body and it a totally different ink than it was 10 years ago.

So what should I put in the white?


--- Quote from: Gilligan on August 12, 2011, 12:35:47 PM ---So what should I put in the white?

--- End quote ---

Maybe nothing. Like I said, in general, on a manual, you will only modify the ink if you are having trouble clearing the screen.
Then perhaps small amounts (using the included instructions),  of some curable reducer.

I don't touch my International Coatings Low viscocity Low Bleed, my Excaliber Arctic White, my Wilflex Artist, or my Xenon Regular White.

RICK STEFANICK: do like a variety of whites..


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