Author Topic: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen  (Read 1882 times)

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Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« on: March 31, 2014, 07:53:14 PM »
I read in some posts that some of you guys and girls would recommend adding fixer to waterbased and discharge inks, same for Print Gen. Now I`m wondering if there is really I need if the inks are cured proper. Does it make a significant difference to have the either of those two additives added to your inks? Generally we are trying to get away as much as possible without the use of any additives.

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Re: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2014, 08:10:46 PM »
Fixer is basically insurance. Printgen helps with viscocity and penetration while helping with dry-in time on screen. Neither is needed but both are helpful.

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Re: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2014, 08:33:48 PM »
I don't use Fixer but I make sure I cure the crap out of it.
I have been wearing some of the shirts for 4 or 5 years and have no problem with the inks.

When we started with Matsui 301, we did a lot of wash test. (Hand Wash->Dry->Hand Wash->Dry, for several times).

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Re: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2014, 09:45:51 PM »
So my question with all these additives is- if the additives improve the printability and wash fastness, why(aside from added revenue with us buying additives) don't the ink companies just add these to the bases?
I don't care for using additives, 3% of this, 1% of that, up to 6% of the other thing, ect. You would think a lot of these could just be added before we get the base.

We used to use lubricant and penatrent(always had a good laugh when re ordering those via the phone :D ) but the only thing we really use anymore is water....

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

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Re: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2014, 11:41:06 PM »
fixer seems to gum up ink over time, but I havent seen any issues with stuff like print gen.  I would love for them to include things that help with penetration and dry-in time, but i have a feeling they don't for two reasons: they can sell another product for increased profit, and it gives the end user more control over the variables.

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Re: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2014, 12:26:34 AM »
So my question with all these additives is- if the additives improve the printability and wash fastness, why(aside from added revenue with us buying additives) don't the ink companies just add these to the bases?

Because in many situations the properties the additives impart to the ink aren't needed, or are undesirable.

Fixer is a good idea as added insurance but it can gum up the ink on very long runs. (at least I've noticed)

Print Gen and other retarders can actually inhibit proper cure when the oven time is too short to thoroughly pull the moisture from the ink.

The inks are formulated for the average ideal in shops that are set up to print the inks - enough tunnel time, the climate in the shop not too hot/cold or humid/dry, etc. Modifiers are there to fit the ink to less than ideal situations.

Most inks should be used untouched. Modifiers should only be added if needed to avoid the extra costs of time and supplies.
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Re: Do I really need fixer,Print Gen
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2014, 05:25:35 AM »
So my question with all these additives is- if the additives improve the printability and wash fastness, why(aside from added revenue with us buying additives) don't the ink companies just add these to the bases?

Because in many situations the properties the additives impart to the ink aren't needed, or are undesirable.

Fixer is a good idea as added insurance but it can gum up the ink on very long runs. (at least I've noticed)

Print Gen and other retarders can actually inhibit proper cure when the oven time is too short to thoroughly pull the moisture from the ink.

The inks are formulated for the average ideal in shops that are set up to print the inks - enough tunnel time, the climate in the shop not too hot/cold or humid/dry, etc. Modifiers are there to fit the ink to less than ideal situations.

Most inks should be used untouched. Modifiers should only be added if needed to avoid the extra costs of time and supplies.