Computers and Software > Separation Programs

Separation Studio - Tips, Tricks, Questions?

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we use it all the time for 'stuff that doesn't have to be perfect', and honestly, the results normally come out better than I expected... and our customers are usually very impressed too (which is really all that counts)

I'm sure that we've paid for it at least 2x or 3x in what we saved in sending out the separations.
it's not cheap, but it fills a nice niche...


--- Quote from: mimosatexas on March 29, 2014, 05:54:35 PM ---Nice tip on the duplicate/merge channel option!

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Just to be clear merge channel merges one channel to another.

Channel-apply channel copies info from one channel to another.. It takes the lightest or darkest areas of the target channel and copies it over to the destined channel depending on which option you choose in the apply channel...

SimplSeps Raster (for PhotoShop) is what's up... (It's the only plugin that actually has a culture) but that's a rabbit hole you'll have to venture down on your own.. But search the forum for Jeff, Tom, AdvanceArtist, FullSpectrumStudio, SimpleSeps.. Very important videos to support my claim are currently private at the moment on YouTube but once you do your investigation it may be somethir definitely on your radar..

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We do like Separation Studio but still struggling sometimes what to do if the art contains some areas that are clearly spot colors. SS always breaks those down into a certain percentage of white, yellow etc. Well I guess you get what I mean.
And I wish there would be an option for grey scale separations.

That's when you sample that color in photoshop and use it as a custom color... I love that feature and use it all the time.

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--- Quote from: jvanick on March 29, 2014, 09:24:52 PM ---That's when you sample that color in photoshop and use it as a custom color... I love that feature and use it all the time.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

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Would you mind going a bit more into detail please on how that process works exactly. Cheers:)


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