Computers and Software > Separation Programs
Separation Studio - Tips, Tricks, Questions?
screw X7, nobody wants that.. ;D....will index seps be in the update to SSR? any manuals or new tuts for ssr?
sorry to derail this thread....
Yep. :-X
--- Quote from: starchild on March 31, 2014, 10:07:23 PM ---
--- Quote from: screenxpress on March 31, 2014, 08:26:26 PM ---
--- Quote from: starchild on March 29, 2014, 10:30:58 PM ---You gotta get comfortable with SimpleSeps it karate kicks Separation Studio in the nuts..
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What opinion do you have of what either of them do to Ultraseps? That's what I use. Just curious.
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SimpleSeps and SeparationStudio both remove the Saturation-white and the Brightness-black from the colors, leaving the pure Hue to work with leaving the white and black screens to regulate the highlights, shadows and midtones of the color.. SimpleSeps gives you the option to sep to adjustme layers allowing you to edit your image non destructively..
In SeparationStudio once the pull is made there is no adding of information back to a channel (you could move info from one channel to the next, quite messy)
SeparationStudio only mixes the 6 primary hues to make up the tertiary colors.. SimpleSeps will allow you to pick your tertiary colors and assign it to a dedicated screen before the pull (manually or automatically)..
SimpleSeps can pull seps in halftones-interlocked(if you please) SeparationStudio pulls in HSB (I think I said that already)
SimpleSeps does halftone grayscale in monotone (b,w,1gray), duotone (b,w,2grays), tritone (b,w,3grays) SeparationStudio pulls in HSB..
SeparationStudio editing tools cannot even stand in the light of PhotoShop's tool set which happens to be SimpleSeps platform..
I do not know UltraSeps but I own QuickSeps Pro.. And from the abbreviated features I gave of SimpleSeps, QuickSeps has no advantages..
You've got UltraSeps and so would be able to compare and decide the advantages of the two programs..
Jeff is a good dude and very committed to his program.. A bit too anal about things being perfect..
Tom is very passionate but keeps a full plate and spreads himself too thin- A visionary..
Both developers try to sell/debate/argue/cuss and fight for the idea of HSB separations.. They sell the logic.. You don't have to buy the plugin because the show you how to do it manually.. I've never seen any other developer going as far as they have gone and I'm sorry a lot of people miss that point..
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My God Star you are have read us like a book. Impressive really.
Well what are we looking at.. I have no idea I am basically blind in this digital color space. But that is just the begining.
Not to derail this thread even further, but your posts and that video illustrate exactly what I'm talking about. Not only did you spell my name wrong in your response (i don't care, but it's illustrative of the care and respect with which you seem to always respond to people), but you clearly didn't even read (or understand?:D) any of my posts. I literally said that Separation Studio was clunky and did a poor job of representing color in the post at the top of the last page, so the answer to your question about me understanding its issues would be "yes". You also seem to have missed all the discussion of using custom palettes to compensate for some of those issues. You also seem to have missed how the pointer is essentially always an eyedropper in SepStudio as it shows you the color information in percentages within the palette on the right of the screen in SepStudio, not just as a RGB/CMYK/etc value, which is much more useful on press than knowing its math in a digital colorspace.
I'm not arguing that your software isn't useful or superior in some ways to other options out there, lots of users I respect on this forum use it and seem to think so, but the way you respond to people in basically every thread I've ever seen you participate in makes me less than enthusiastic about giving you money. You always hype yourself and your products while saying the same thing about bringing truth and science to color and imply people don't understand what you're preaching. It's condescending and doesn't further the discussion in any meaningful way. HSB/HWB is not rocket science. It also isn't perfect, which should be clear to anyone with any experience on press. You can't just make a correct dark red by overprinting red on black without understanding so many other variables. Often digital color is simply not that representative of physical color, something discussed at length in this thread you started: The math very often doesn't tell the whole story.
The comment on your lack of support is only something I have witnessed in threads, with your customers requesting tutorials or bug fixes and getting only cryptic replies instead of help, including this one it would seem...
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