Computers and Software > Separation Programs

Separation Studio - Tips, Tricks, Questions?

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All I have seen on multiple forums is them talking down to people like they are the only ones that can understand relatively simple color theory, and people complaining that they don't respond to emails or phone calls related to problems or questions about their software.  The condescending attitude is a huge turn off (especially when many of us wholly understand what they are proclaiming as "revolutionary"), as is the lack of support.

Well we all our point of view..

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--- Quote from: mimosatexas on March 31, 2014, 11:44:01 PM ---All I have seen on multiple forums is them talking down to people like they are the only ones that can understand relatively simple color theory, and people complaining that they don't respond to emails or phone calls related to problems or questions about their software.  The condescending attitude is a huge turn off (especially when many of us wholly understand what they are proclaiming as "revolutionary"), as is the lack of support.

--- End quote ---

Well this is a wonderful post and without talking down lets look at the facts.

Tell me Minos, were you able to identify or discern the very simple color theory problems with Separation Studio during your trail? Is arguing for the truth and scientific fact condescending? If you  understood what we have been training relating to color then you would have identified the problems with Separation Studio within seconds of opening the application and loading an image. But you did not convey any such understanding in your posts in this thread.

Lets start with color I will deal with the support accusations next.

So tell me/us what are the simple color theory problems with Separation Studio?

TOM...updates to SSR?...we want to know....

Working on that and testing and testing and getting X7 updates in order.. the next round goes beyond the color we already have that nailed but found allot of things in halftones that have never been dealt with and should have been like 10 years ago.


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