Author Topic: Homegrown Flash  (Read 2039 times)

Offline larryk

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Homegrown Flash
« on: March 25, 2014, 05:51:06 PM »
So here about the first of the year I was able to purchase a new (to me) M&R Gauntlet. However the purchase came without a flash unit so I was lucky enough to borrow one from a good friend that just lives about 120 miles downstream from me on the Arkansas River......... However my luck ran out last week when he decided he needed it back in his shop instead of mine.... dang it! I have looked high and low since borrowing a flash and right now 3 grand just isn't in the picture. So looking around the shop and out at the farm in the scrap metal I was able to come up with enough parts to create this unit.... The heater and controls are from a 18X24 Black Body flash we had laying around and most of the stand was from an old quartz flash from Lawson. Decided not to paint it blue so no one would think I was trying to be sneaky.... I think about all I spent on it was a couple of bucks on the all thread. So neccessity is for sure the thing that got me to thinking this week...... and it works sweet!