Currently have the manual where the CH3 is going. Been waiting a few months on an electrical upgrade to use the CH3 that's been sitting on the ground unassembled. Trying to figure out the placement because they are going to run the electrical to it and set it all up before our energy company brings in more electricity to the building.
There is a pillar in the middle of the warehouse to work around, currently it's 3 feet from it which I think will be fine to operate on.
Getting carts to the load station might be slightly cramped....but this is the best I can come up with (Ideally maybe we would move the dryer almost against that pillar and then have space where the Diamondback is for the manual and a small dryer, but that's not happening). Is 3.5 feet 'the correct' amount of space from the dryer to load and unload?
Also is clockwise the proper rotation there? Along the darkroom are ink shelves so we would want to keep the garments away from there.