screen printing > Screen Making

Who reclaims your screens???

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I have a dirty sink (ink/emulsion removal) and a clean sink (exposure washout/degreasing).
I like having one person do the ink/emulsion and another do the degreasing. Adds a second
pair of eyes and a layer of accountability.


--- Quote from: Im-Magic on August 16, 2011, 11:16:27 PM ---I have a High School kid comes in 3 days a week after school. If they are trained properly about 12 -14 an hour no prob. We do 6 at a time stack back to back so they do not dry, blast off then we use orange oil the make sure all ink is out blast again and then degrease and hose off.

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How did you hire the HS kid? What do you pay them? I'd like to use younger help.. but it seems like kids don't like to work anymore.

His Sister used to do them but she has gone to University now so she handed the job to her younger brother. I know the family and I pay $15.00 per hour.


--- Quote from: Im-Magic on September 05, 2011, 02:45:15 AM ---His Sister used to do them but she has gone to University now so she handed the job to her younger brother. I know the family and I pay $15.00 per hour.

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Wow! That's pretty good pay for a high schooler! I guess if they do a good job though, it's worth it.

You must remember that this is Australia and that is the Union rate for that job. They would shut me down if I paid less.


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