screen printing > Screen Making

Who reclaims your screens???

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--- Quote from: Screened Gear on August 06, 2011, 02:33:24 AM ---
--- Quote from: inkbrigade on August 05, 2011, 11:45:48 PM ---We usually have someone come in twice a week. We pay by the hour but have an expectation of how many screens per hour need to be cleaned. Also since i coat i can tell if they did a shitty job or not.

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How many screens an hour is acceptable?  Do you have them just reclaim them then you degreese them and coat them?

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The reclaim person does the degrease as well. Then they get put in the screen room to dry and then i coat them. If a screen isn't washed out or has chemical on it, it get's kicked back to the reclaim dept.

That usually only has to happen a few times and then they stop freaking it up

I don't have a screens per hour goal. Clean screens are really important. So i don't mind if someone new is slow and through. They will speed up over time. The most important part is the screens look good and don't have to get kicked back to them.

If the person takes a bit longer than they are suppose to.. it's only a few extra bucks in pay.. like i said clean screens are worth it to me.


--- Quote from: DanK on August 12, 2011, 06:34:01 PM ---We have one screen person 40 hours a week.  That person is responsible for everything from coating to reclaiming and also during certain production runs, they are the ink watchers (keep the dirty hands on the dirty jobs) - making sure each print head has what it needs on longer runs.  In the screen room they stretch, coat, burn, washout, dip, reclaim, degrease, and retension every screen.  The press operator also QC's the exposed screens against the art to make sure the screen person has it down.  We keep on top of the screens all day long, reclaim them immediately so they're free and dry to coat for the next design and we never have a build up of dirty stuff or screens that can't be used.

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I love the dirty hands on dirty jobs idea! We usually keep screens until a day after a job is delivered. The reason is it seems like whenever we drop stuff in the dip tank we get a call with a sob story how they forgot 1 kid on the team or something. We're suckers for kids so we end up doing it. This way if they call with in 24-48 hours of getting their order we at least we still have the screen. Kinda eats up your screen inventory but meh.. whatcha gonna do?

ink, I know how you feel.  We try and work with our customers as best as possible.

I the man....

I have a High School kid comes in 3 days a week after school. If they are trained properly about 12 -14 an hour no prob. We do 6 at a time stack back to back so they do not dry, blast off then we use orange oil the make sure all ink is out blast again and then degrease and hose off.


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