screen printing > Screen Making

Who reclaims your screens???

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--- Quote from: squeegee on August 09, 2011, 12:19:56 PM ---You have a guy working for you named Gordo?

--- End quote ---

That's awesome Chris, you have Gordon Keith cleaning screens for you.  I bet he's fun to work with.


--- Quote from: squeegee on August 09, 2011, 12:19:56 PM ---You have a guy working for you named Gordo?

--- End quote ---

Gordo is "Texican" for fatboy. 

If Gordon Keith was working here, I doubt much work would be getting done.


--- Quote from: Clark on August 09, 2011, 01:49:44 PM ---
--- Quote from: squeegee on August 09, 2011, 12:19:56 PM ---You have a guy working for you named Gordo?

--- End quote ---

Gordo is "Texican" for fatboy. 

If Gordon Keith was working here, I doubt much work would be getting done.

--- End quote ---

When I first started listening to the ticket, he was my least favorite, now it's the opposite.  Do you know who is printing their "drop gear"?

Gordon's my favorite too.

 An ad agency has their stuff printed.  Probably at silver wing or impress designs.  I had a beer or two with the lady that handles their account and tried to work my way into that gig, but didn't happen.  Suprisingly the design work on their event shirts is pretty bad.  Printing is good, but the art sucks.  The last two events I have been to they only had one or two cases of shirts.  I never see the standard ticket logo shirts anymore..I think money is a little tight at cumulus.

We have one screen person 40 hours a week.  That person is responsible for everything from coating to reclaiming and also during certain production runs, they are the ink watchers (keep the dirty hands on the dirty jobs) - making sure each print head has what it needs on longer runs.  In the screen room they stretch, coat, burn, washout, dip, reclaim, degrease, and retension every screen.  The press operator also QC's the exposed screens against the art to make sure the screen person has it down.  We keep on top of the screens all day long, reclaim them immediately so they're free and dry to coat for the next design and we never have a build up of dirty stuff or screens that can't be used.


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