Computers and Software > Separation Programs

Ultraseps question....

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I was wondering if its possible to print an extra dark separation from
photoshop from ultraseps. I just recently bought ultraseps and I don’t
have a rip. I have an Epson 1430 and positives to print to. Do you have any
idea how to do this?  I have been able to select photo quality and get good
looking separations out of illustrator, but I have also made sure that all
my artwork has been 4/c black, for each separation. Just wondering how I
should handle it in Photoshop with ultraseps.

We use ultra seps and love it. My advice would be to email Steve the owner directly. Hes very cool to work with, quick to reply.  And since ge created the wares, he can teach you everything you need.

I don't use an Epson, but on my HP9800 I go into the print dialog box where there are controls to increase density and bump up individual colors. I output all halftone work through Ghostscript. You might want to noodle around in the printer dialog box, maybe looking at advanced features if there are any, and make appropriate adjustments. I get decently dark film from there, and Ghostscript has no mechanism for increasing ink density like some of the commercial RIPs do.
Just a suggestion.

Ultraseps actions at the bottom has -

Output Halftones no RIP at 25 to 60 lpi - Save the image first before letting it convert and give it a shot. 

Read the info first box and follow the steps. 

Note if you select STOP anywhere in the process, an action will show bright red - click any of the actions showing a 'period' to clear.

I looked on the internet and your printer does not appear to have the extra setting that HP has.


--- Quote from: screenxpress on March 01, 2014, 04:00:24 PM ---Ultraseps actions at the bottom has -

I looked on the internet and your printer does not appear to have the extra setting that HP has.

--- End quote ---

That may be tweakable as a product of quality and paper type settings.
On the old 3000's, I think that "Backlit Film" was the hot set-up.


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