Author Topic: S.Roque screen systems  (Read 3664 times)

Offline TCT

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S.Roque screen systems
« on: February 27, 2014, 10:25:26 AM »
I said I was going to get these up yesterday for a few of you but the week seems to be getting progressively worse(luck wise) here! Below are pics of the Tab(rollers)/Pin(static) system for the screens. You can order the heads in a bunch of setups-
1) Stand alone Pin
2) Stand alone Tab
3) Pin Tab combo(what I have pics of)
4) MHM heads
5) Traditional pneumatic bar clamp(They call it U clamp) that is compatible with The TriLoc system.
6) Some odd end type pin deal I have never seen before
I may be missing one or two but those are what I remember. If you start with the "Pin" system you can upgrade to a Pin/Tab combo very easy. I think you can probably change the heads to a different system if you wanted without much hassle but it would cost. According to S.Roque(I fully believe it also) the Pin or Tab(MHM as well if you convert I suppose) system is the best for pre registration and speed/ease.

Here is the Pin system-

You can pin the top and bottom so you can use both sides of the screens if you want, that would just require 4 "pin tabs"

Here is the Tab system for the rollers-

Again you can tab both the top and bottom so you can spin the screen.

I don't remember EXACTLY what the pins or tabs cost each, TechSupport has the best price on them, I want to say they are like $1-$2 ea. but you also get like 200 or something like that of your choice system with the press.

If a MHM user wouldn't mind jumping in, what roughly do the pins/tabs for the MHM system cost?

Hope that is informative for the people that have asked. Suppose you can ask me questions if you have them and I'll try to help. If today goes better than Monday-Wednesday I'll be in a better mood and maybe try to get some video for the "Auto Wars" headings.

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline Action1

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2014, 10:36:14 AM »
Great pictures Alex. Thanks for sharing those.

Re: Frame adapter pins for the MHM's. We made those here many years ago and they were around $6.50 then.
- BTW - Nice Roller Squeegee you have here!

Offline blue moon

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2014, 10:43:36 AM »
I bought used bushings for $0.50 each (requires 4 per screen). New ones are $2.50 or so (so $10 per screen).

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

Offline TCT

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2014, 10:48:11 AM »
Thanks Pierre! I thought I heard someone one time talking crazy talk like they were $15ea. or something! Nice to know they are in the same ballpark.

@Action1 I friggin' love that thing!!!! The roller squeegee that is!

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Offline screenprintguy

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #4 on: February 27, 2014, 10:49:08 AM »
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, now that makes sense, I didn't see that bar with the notches in it in your video. Totally make sense how that works now. Man, that must be fast loading. I like the idea that say you are setting up an 8 color job, you realize that maybe the sequence you predicted won't work, and you now have to drop a couple screens after you are all set up, and swap locations. Now, if I do that, I have to load the TL pallet back up, hope it's where it needs to be, and do the deal. That way looks like you can just drop, and swap. Pretty nice I must say! So, those "male" parts added to the roller frames, are they for any type, mzx, and m3, or only one of the two? just curious. We are about 50/50 on mzx 4 roller, and m3's. The weight of the old m3 frames is rediculous, and since I'm not interesting in going about 40 newtons I wasn't going to buy any of the newer m3s. And we still have about 100 statics that we rotate on certain jobs where we need to.

Thanks for posting, awesome pics bro!

Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline Action1

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #5 on: February 27, 2014, 12:17:28 PM »
Thanks Pierre! I thought I heard someone one time talking crazy talk like they were $15ea. or something! Nice to know they are in the same ballpark.

@Action1 I friggin' love that thing!!!! The roller squeegee that is!


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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2014, 02:17:16 PM »
So, those "male" parts added to the roller frames, are they for any type, mzx, and m3, or only one of the two? just curious.

They are currently for M3s and M6s. they do not have any for MZXs, but they haven't had anyone request they be made and force the issue. Someone looking to buy a press that has a lot of MZXs would/should demand they make tabs for the MZXs as part of the purchase. thats how I see it anyways. Pins for the SRoque are $1.25 each. Pretty sure thats what I paid for mine.

Offline mimosatexas

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2014, 02:34:58 PM »
I don't own an auto and I'm not buying one any time soon and if I was it would likely be an M&R, but I just want to say thank you for this thread.  These are the types of threads I wish we had more of on the boards.  Not that the standard "question asking" threads are in any way bad (i know I start plenty of them); I just really appreciate someone taking the time to impart knowledge in a clear way with photos on a particular piece of equipment or chemical or process.  Can't have too much information in this business.

So again, thank you!

Offline TCT

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #8 on: February 28, 2014, 10:56:43 AM »
Well yesterday was a lot like the days previous.... HOW is UPS still able to be in business!!?? I have had more "exception" packages this year than all my other years combined! Yes it has been a HORRIBLE winter here and that probably adds to my frustration. Yesterday was probably the first time I really seriously considered closing!

Sorry for the rant guys!

@screenprintguy - Mike, yes that is a bonus to be able to switch a screen like that. Another option with the press(this is the definition of a band-aid fix, I know this) that came in handy on Tuesday for us, you can program the press for up to 9 revolutions for 1 "set" of shirts you have on the pallets. So say revolution 1 you print on head 1,4,7,8 and flash on 2&5, well revolution 2 you can have it flash head 2, print 4,6,9&10. Or something like that , each revolution can be the same, different or a variation of flashes and prints. Back to Tuesday, easy enough setup and print I figure so I leave the 1 newbie unloading and the less newbie loading, I set it up and the first dozen or so looked fine. I left to file some paperwork at city hall and got a call the yellow was not covering that good anymore, it was picking up. They had maybe 100 shirts left, I just had them program the press to keep printing the same way but add a second revolution that flashed the whole print and then printed the yellow again. Yellow was now covering fine and the job got done. Band-aid fix, but to get the remaining 100 shirts done I was fine with that as opposed to changing the print order.

One thing to consider, just because it has this pin system that does not mean it it invincible. Like ANY pre reg system, if the person burning the screens and placing the films(DTS users commence talking crap) is careless it will lead to slower setup times once on press. I tell employees "the more time spent being careful aligning the films, the less time it will take up stairs on press." The one thing I find surprising is the majority of the S.Roques in the states now use the traditional pneumatic bar clamp head system, and very few opt for the TriLoc style pre reg. They are just setting up jobs the traditional way. I agree over time you can get fast at setting up autos with practice, but you will not be as fast as a pre reg pin system. The added value to the pre reg system is overlooked in the extreme short term.

MZX's, no one has asked for them yet. S.Roque is odd that way, like you said their website gets you basic info but for technical people or like a good majority of the people that come to TSB, we are looking for EXACT details, higher end explanations. After meeting with them and spending time in their factory with many of their employees, it seems almost cultural. They are not boastful or "bragging" people, humble would be a great word. They had many great features, time saving and money saving features built into the machines. They are building and shipping 38 station 14 color ovals at a rate that made me think they were giving them away! 12 to one company in India here, 6 to one company in Bangladesh there, ect. Many of their machines run 24/7. So I asked them why don't you guys advertise all these features and the actual scale of the company!? Their reply was simply "Why? If someone would like a machine and asks us, we would like to work with them." I was blown away! Just a different kind of thinking, and to be honest I felt a bit more relaxed myself.  I am rambling I'm sorry! Mike, no one has asked for MZX tabs, they run their in house laser cutting and metal stamping part of the factory 24/7 so I imagine they can knock those out no prob. Otherwise Action1 sounds like they may know the ropes around those! ;)

I did get a video of loading the screen yesterday. Since I am NEVER able to link the video properly >:(, someone may have to do it for me!

VID 20140226 173801

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Offline screenprintguy

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #9 on: February 28, 2014, 11:18:56 AM »
Ryan and Alex, thanks for the info, very cool vid. That's a super fast screen load. Just to clarify, DTS is "NOT" completely dumby proof. If you don't make sure your screen frame is totally locked in, "and this is easy to skip", you can possibly have 1 or more that give you a problem out on press. I figured out why once and a while I'd have a screen that was 1/4 inch out of wack some how. If I had a roller frame that had serious tension, and the pusher frame in the CTS, "which you actually have to push the mesh against when positioning the frame", held me up and I didn't give a tap on one side to make sure I was all the way at the stopping block, would be the problem. You have to make sure, all 3 points of the frame are touching the stopping blocks, and then you are good. This is on  my unit, other brands or models might be different. So it boils down to just paying attention and you are good. After that the rest is basic.

Multi revolution programing, --Alex, I know exactly what you mean, and usually adding the extra rev to not have to mess with a re-setting of the screens is what we do, unless we see that spending 20 minutes to re-set will avoid hours in production on a larger run. It's nice to know that merely unlocking and re-configuring can be that easy. I can do it with the tri-lock, and have done it a few times, but at least with our DB, other models might be more precise, it's kind of a pain. I guess some of us are always on a quest to make our flow more efficient.

At any rate, thanks for the details and the vids and pics, This stuff helps people understand details.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline Action1

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #10 on: February 28, 2014, 11:56:04 AM »
Otherwise Action1 sounds like they may know the ropes around those!

Negatory on those frame adapter parts TCT. We have not made them in many years and don't want to.  However - thank you for thinking of us!

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #11 on: February 28, 2014, 06:12:27 PM »
That is sweet.  Thanks for pics, I already will be looking hard at S.Roque and watching the vid just fortifies that. 

I will say that job re-set is one major benefit to using the Newman Pin-Lock system in a full committed manner.  Just flip out the swing arms and re-pin.  On a rock solid press it will be very, very close.  On a flexy press it'll be OK. 

My lead printer sets jobs up in a heartbeat on our old Gauntlet, most of the time is spent effing around with the image offset from deflection when you start printing, I can't imagine how fast he would be with a system like this. 

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Re: S.Roque screen systems
« Reply #12 on: March 01, 2014, 10:06:37 AM »
Happy the pics helped people! I really wish I had the time to take more pics and videos of the press and it's features for people.

@mimosatexas - I love technical and pic/video heavy posts like this also (not to toot my own horn). Have you ever checked out the "Auto Wars" series on the forum here from a while ago? They are awesome and support informative!
I knew the post wouldn't raise as much attention or excitement as it would if it were a M&R press which is fine. Like you I am just into the learning aspect! Different presses will fit great for different people. Kawan just showed us all that a month or so ago.

Personally I don't care what press or company the equipment is from, I just like to see how things are progressing! I love the RPM and how exacting you can have everything. Hell, I even liked the idea behind the presses "he who shall not be mentioned" was pushing. The man is unstable at best, but the "advancement" of the concept of the user control I thought was great. One great thing about the manufacturers having good competition between each other is the presses get better for us, the end user!

Personally(again) I think the two best "advancements" I have seen for THIS year(2014) so far is the new press from Workhorse, Sabre I believe. And the new press MHM is going to release, the SA-EVO. Both are going to have huge effects on the $35k-ish(6 color) mid level auto market! Should be interesting to watch and the best part for once, US the buyers will be the ones reaping the benefits!

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...