Author Topic: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss  (Read 6603 times)

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #15 on: February 24, 2014, 10:26:15 PM »
I print poly almost everyday. All I can say is that a white that works for your shop and your environment should be the first priority. Price is secondary. Especially if you have to F with it all the time to get it to work right.

Right now I am testing both Top Score from Wilflex and Endurance from Rutland. Right now Super Poly White is our daily go to poly white. I have not had a single issue with it so far as for bleed. As for the amount of puff that it has we do not see it because we cure it right at the lower point of its temp range. If you over cure it that is where you run into issues.

We just ran the Endurance white on Lycra stretchy ass tops from AA. The graphic did not give the ink much bulk to hold itself together for most inks but the Endurance had some serious stretch right out of the bucket. So I have to give that one a thumbs up for that. A soft hand with great stretch wins out over a bullet proof 1/8 in thick ink deposit any day.

Tomorrow is a fun one. Red poly singlets.

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Offline tonypep

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2014, 07:03:08 AM »
I suppose its worth mentioning that we are looking at the ink/substrate as the enemy. There is one other culprit.

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2014, 09:11:34 AM »
We were using the ICC low cure white, and recently switched to Topscore as it was a bit cheaper. It's been working well so far. It's pretty creamy, but man it's a climber
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

Offline scott316

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2014, 09:40:25 AM »
Rutland LB Streetfighter. Use it on everything thats not discharge. Great pricepoint as well.

Tony we have a new IC white that is made to go head to head with the Streetfighter. Would you be willing to test some for us?
Scott Thompson

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2014, 09:51:33 AM »
Sure Scott just send me a qt

Offline screenprintguy

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2014, 10:36:26 AM »
Rutland LB Streetfighter. Use it on everything thats not discharge. Great pricepoint as well.

Tony we have a new IC white that is made to go head to head with the Streetfighter. Would you be willing to test some for us?

Scott, is that the Legacy White? I tried some of that from a local distributor that dropped off a quart, really great stuff. It cured at 280 degrees. very very smooth, very soft, very opaque, but his price was really high for 5er.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline alan802

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2014, 10:48:52 AM »
I moved away from the Rutland Super Poly because of the puff.  It was manageable for the most part then 3 gallons in a row were extreme puffers.  It's by no means creamy but compared to other poly whites it is.  They are all long bodied and don't print worth a damn in the cold but the One Stroke stuff doesn't resemble a poly white at all until you see it at the end of the dryer.  I wish the Bravo Flex was affordable because it was good enough to use as our cotton white as well as poly.  And to never worry about the guys not using the right ink would be nice but we're not talking about $100-120/gal here.  I bet I could beat them up a little and get it in that 120 range but the white we use for cotton right now is beyond good, borderline great (except for squeegee climb it would be great) and we're paying 56/gal.  Our costs for white ink would more than double if we went to one all-around white ink and even though we're breaking records with the volume we're doing lately, I can't pay that much. 

I'd still like to try a Wilflex poly white ink even though their prices turned me away years ago. 
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Offline screenprintguy

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2014, 11:31:24 AM »
Check out this bucket of SF LB about ready to pop lol. Talk about puff!!! It won't sit straight it's bobbling around over there. My wife thinks it's just really full of ink unlike other buckets we get from other brands, but I let her know, nope that's a lot of puff in there. They were like that during the cold snaps too, so it's not a "hot shop thing".  :o

Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline scott316

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Re: Poly Whites-Let's Discuss
« Reply #23 on: February 25, 2014, 12:29:20 PM »
Rutland LB Streetfighter. Use it on everything thats not discharge. Great pricepoint as well.

Tony we have a new IC white that is made to go head to head with the Streetfighter. Would you be willing to test some for us?

Scott, is that the Legacy White? I tried some of that from a local distributor that dropped off a quart, really great stuff. It cured at 280 degrees. very very smooth, very soft, very opaque, but his price was really high for 5er.

Well the one I am talking about is the new Knockout white by IC. Its priced around the streetfighter white.

The Legacy white is a great white and I have a lot of people trying it out. We can see if we can work you up some great pricing just email  or PM me.
Scott Thompson