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separation software which one?
Shawn (EIP):
I think I'm finally going to thrown down some cash to purchase a separation program for 4 color process and simulated process. I'm pretty good at the spot color stuff... but I want to move into some higher end printing. Any recomendations? I work in photoshop.
blue moon:
yes, Dot Tone Dan.
works better than any software you can afford, you charge the customers for the seps and mark it up so you get a better product and making more money!
You'll also learn a lot more and become a better printer doing that way. Automated software will not tell you what you are doing wrong if you are having issues.
Pierrre's got a point. I know where you're coming from. It's your shop and you want to know how to run all parts so to save money and be more efficient. truthfully, it is as Pierre says. You can start getting high quality seps done right and non hassle to you while you focus on your business. At the same time, you can purchase one of those sep programs and examine/toy with it till you get to know what your doing. It's also as Pierre says. You really get better help with sending your seps out.
I will end it here before making another article out of it.
dude - these guys a re right, all you need is Dan and photoshop. don't waste your time with the seps in a box stuff. I learned more from the few seps Dan and Pierre have sent me than the programs. hell, even you-tube has vids on getting started. save the coin, invest it in something else.
Denis Kolar:
--- Quote from: blue moon on August 03, 2011, 08:31:46 PM ---yes, Dot Tone Dan.
works better than any software you can afford, you charge the customers for the seps and mark it up so you get a better product and making more money!
You'll also learn a lot more and become a better printer doing that way. Automated software will not tell you what you are doing wrong if you are having issues.
--- End quote ---
Is there any way to bootleg Dot Tone Dan software.
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