Author Topic: New Press - Coming soon!  (Read 43553 times)

Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #135 on: March 06, 2014, 08:34:16 PM »
Brandt, looks awesome in there! I'll be needing to plan a trip out there to see that press kicking out the jams. I think we are going to try and replace our dback this year with a 3d so I'd like to play around with one if you don't mind. Our ch3 is so badass that I can only imagine how great the 3d is. Just today on our ch3 we printed over 4,000 shirts across 8 different PO's with 44 screens total. We have a job on press right now that we are double stroking and it's running 61 doz/hr double stroking! Let me know when would be a good time to make a day trip out your way, I've got some stuff to bring your way for you to test as well......

We were double stroking a job this am 6 color job, 56dz a hour, and we are still really getting used to the press.  I need to come out to your shop some day, I doubt you will be impressed with our tiny operation but your welcome here and your welcome to play with the press all you like.

Yeah the speed you can double print is such an increase for production its crazy, such a nice thing if you need it. The indexing system took me a week or two getting used to but now that I've run the ch3 for 6 or so months I can't get another press like it to replace my dback fast enough. It wont take long for you guys to much prefer it. One thing is for sure though I know my shop is smaller then yours I guarantee that lol... I just started a loft project that is becoming a dedicated ink room,place to use the roller master/build squeeges/etc as im out of room on the floor but have high enough ceilings thankfully. Early next month though ill be replacing my cts with a new m&r I image ste and adding a uni kote auto coater sowe will be a 100% m&r equiped shop at that point. Anyone on the forum here is more then welcome to come out and see what we use but be forewarned its tiny here lol...
Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #136 on: March 07, 2014, 07:22:14 AM »
First impressions so far:

1. Did a job yesterday that we have printed many times before.  It used to take us 1.5hrs on the sportsman.  Took about 35-40 minutes on the new press and I would describe it as "casual" printing. 
2. Fast, I think it was hitting 208dz a hour with heads on at one point, of course we cant print that fast though.  The press is very smooth and it's got a bunch of cool features and we are still figuring out new ones. 
3. Go to function is nice.  You can be at the main control panel and send a pallet where ever you like with about 2 button hits. 
4. You can have it memorize the Tri-lock pallet.  So you can just click it at any time and it brings it to you.  pretty nice at the end of the job just hit the button and load the tri lock up. 
5. Control nearly everything at the head or at the main control panel. 
6. Copy/head paste/head feature is nice.  So you can set your stroke/speed/pressure on 1 head and then "copy" and "paste" to any or even all heads with like 2-3 clicks.  Nice not to have to go to each head and set that.. 
7. Amazing how accurate the servo motors are on this press, you tell it to stop at 1 inch and 19 inches and it does exactly that regardless of speed of print/flood.  The Sportsman had some "coast" in the head so if you were running hard you had to compensate with the prox sensors.  None of that to worry about on this beast. 
8. Flash plug at each head, that is nice no chasing cables.
9. I love that it doesn't table up and down.... this makes loading and unloading faster. 
10. Preheat is nice.  It has a temp sensor for each pallet.... so you can set a temp you'd like the pallets, you click 1 button and put it in auto mode and the heads turn off and index/flash the pallets on its own and the press beeps at you when the pallets are ready. 
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #137 on: March 07, 2014, 08:42:27 AM »
I'm seeing people say "nearly" every function from the main panel can be done. Which ones cannot? And the same question for the controls at the heads?

Offline Parker 1

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #138 on: March 07, 2014, 08:59:06 AM »
First impressions so far:

1. Did a job yesterday that we have printed many times before.  It used to take us 1.5hrs on the sportsman.  Took about 35-40 minutes on the new press and I would describe it as "casual" printing. 
2. Fast, I think it was hitting 208dz a hour with heads on at one point, of course we cant print that fast though.  The press is very smooth and it's got a bunch of cool features and we are still figuring out new ones. 
3. Go to function is nice.  You can be at the main control panel and send a pallet where ever you like with about 2 button hits. 
4. You can have it memorize the Tri-lock pallet.  So you can just click it at any time and it brings it to you.  pretty nice at the end of the job just hit the button and load the tri lock up. 
5. Control nearly everything at the head or at the main control panel. 
6. Copy/head paste/head feature is nice.  So you can set your stroke/speed/pressure on 1 head and then "copy" and "paste" to any or even all heads with like 2-3 clicks.  Nice not to have to go to each head and set that.. 
7. Amazing how accurate the servo motors are on this press, you tell it to stop at 1 inch and 19 inches and it does exactly that regardless of speed of print/flood.  The Sportsman had some "coast" in the head so if you were running hard you had to compensate with the prox sensors.  None of that to worry about on this beast. 
8. Flash plug at each head, that is nice no chasing cables.
9. I love that it doesn't table up and down.... this makes loading and unloading faster. 
10. Preheat is nice.  It has a temp sensor for each pallet.... so you can set a temp you'd like the pallets, you click 1 button and put it in auto mode and the heads turn off and index/flash the pallets on its own and the press beeps at you when the pallets are ready.

Nice post, keep them coming. 


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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #139 on: March 07, 2014, 09:37:11 AM »
I'm seeing people say "nearly" every function from the main panel can be done. Which ones cannot? And the same question for the controls at the heads?

From the panel you can print, index, print size, print speed, print pressure (per stroke), etc.  So far can't think of one thing you can't do from it but there might be something.  Just covered my ass by saying that.  LOL
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #140 on: March 07, 2014, 10:01:36 AM »
Now, when you can have ink added to screens from the panel,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok just being a smart azz
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #141 on: March 07, 2014, 10:10:29 AM »
Now, when you can have ink added to screens from the panel,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok just being a smart azz

Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #142 on: March 07, 2014, 10:14:59 AM »
Now, when you can have ink added to screens from the panel,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok just being a smart azz

hahahhahahahahaah that's awesome!!

Hey Brandt, after you and Shelly run several jobs, let us know how much "physical", difference you feel on your bodies loading, unloading setups as well as the loading unloading of shirts vs the Sporty.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline GaryG

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #143 on: March 07, 2014, 10:35:18 AM »


First print on such a nice press? hummm. lol

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #144 on: March 07, 2014, 10:44:51 AM »
Now, when you can have ink added to screens from the panel,,,,,,,,,,,,, ok just being a smart azz

hahahhahahahahaah that's awesome!!

Hey Brandt, after you and Shelly run several jobs, let us know how much "physical", difference you feel on your bodies loading, unloading setups as well as the loading unloading of shirts vs the Sporty.

By the end of the day we will be at 9 jobs on it, so far its less work as the table is higher than the Sportsman is.  We also got the press a bit closer to the dryer than the Sportsman as well so that helps. 
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline shellyky

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #145 on: March 07, 2014, 11:08:40 AM »
SO FAR (obviously its all still new to me so i havent go it down pat yet) but i FEEL like i setup for 19 hours and print for 30 minutes total LOL probably because every portion of the setup process is different than the Sportsman and printing is the same except i dont have to hunker down to load and unload a shirt...I'll get it down to a science soon though!  that is amazing the difference that makes physically though when the pallets arent going up and can print faster and it doesnt even feel like it. Also my ears appreciate the decline in PSSSSH PSSSSSH PSSSSH PSSSSH noises. 

As the loader/unloader i was doing 32dozen an hour i think which is about what i was doing before but it didn't feel anywhere near rushed like on the sportsman.  It was pretty casual pace.  The micro's on my sportsman had "slack" i guess youd call it... from going one way, to the other way, you could feel it catch so you'd know when it was actually starting to micro in...this one is just full on goodness so i have to get used to that.  It's hard to get used to something being so nice :D

3 more jobs today, maybe ill have time to weigh in a little more later...

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #146 on: March 07, 2014, 11:19:17 AM »
Thanks for the info Shelly, my wife and the girls here are going to want to read this. Especially the double stroke speed and the ease you are feeling loading unloading.
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #147 on: March 07, 2014, 12:33:33 PM »
First impressions so far:

1. Did a job yesterday that we have printed many times before.  It used to take us 1.5hrs on the sportsman.  Took about 35-40 minutes on the new press and I would describe it as "casual" printing. 
2. Fast, I think it was hitting 208dz a hour with heads on at one point, of course we cant print that fast though.  The press is very smooth and it's got a bunch of cool features and we are still figuring out new ones. 
3. Go to function is nice.  You can be at the main control panel and send a pallet where ever you like with about 2 button hits. 
4. You can have it memorize the Tri-lock pallet.  So you can just click it at any time and it brings it to you.  pretty nice at the end of the job just hit the button and load the tri lock up. 
5. Control nearly everything at the head or at the main control panel. 
6. Copy/head paste/head feature is nice.  So you can set your stroke/speed/pressure on 1 head and then "copy" and "paste" to any or even all heads with like 2-3 clicks.  Nice not to have to go to each head and set that.. 
7. Amazing how accurate the servo motors are on this press, you tell it to stop at 1 inch and 19 inches and it does exactly that regardless of speed of print/flood.  The Sportsman had some "coast" in the head so if you were running hard you had to compensate with the prox sensors.  None of that to worry about on this beast. 
8. Flash plug at each head, that is nice no chasing cables.
9. I love that it doesn't table up and down.... this makes loading and unloading faster. 
10. Preheat is nice.  It has a temp sensor for each pallet.... so you can set a temp you'd like the pallets, you click 1 button and put it in auto mode and the heads turn off and index/flash the pallets on its own and the press beeps at you when the pallets are ready.
Just an FYI. If this is a job that repeats occasionally use the save feature and next time you run it recall the job and it will set 95% of the parameters you used to run it the first time.
Rich Hoffman

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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #148 on: March 07, 2014, 12:51:20 PM »
First impressions so far:

1. Did a job yesterday that we have printed many times before.  It used to take us 1.5hrs on the sportsman.  Took about 35-40 minutes on the new press and I would describe it as "casual" printing. 
2. Fast, I think it was hitting 208dz a hour with heads on at one point, of course we cant print that fast though.  The press is very smooth and it's got a bunch of cool features and we are still figuring out new ones. 
3. Go to function is nice.  You can be at the main control panel and send a pallet where ever you like with about 2 button hits. 
4. You can have it memorize the Tri-lock pallet.  So you can just click it at any time and it brings it to you.  pretty nice at the end of the job just hit the button and load the tri lock up. 
5. Control nearly everything at the head or at the main control panel. 
6. Copy/head paste/head feature is nice.  So you can set your stroke/speed/pressure on 1 head and then "copy" and "paste" to any or even all heads with like 2-3 clicks.  Nice not to have to go to each head and set that.. 
7. Amazing how accurate the servo motors are on this press, you tell it to stop at 1 inch and 19 inches and it does exactly that regardless of speed of print/flood.  The Sportsman had some "coast" in the head so if you were running hard you had to compensate with the prox sensors.  None of that to worry about on this beast. 
8. Flash plug at each head, that is nice no chasing cables.
9. I love that it doesn't table up and down.... this makes loading and unloading faster. 
10. Preheat is nice.  It has a temp sensor for each pallet.... so you can set a temp you'd like the pallets, you click 1 button and put it in auto mode and the heads turn off and index/flash the pallets on its own and the press beeps at you when the pallets are ready.
Just an FYI. If this is a job that repeats occasionally use the save feature and next time you run it recall the job and it will set 95% of the parameters you used to run it the first time.

First impressions so far:

1. Did a job yesterday that we have printed many times before.  It used to take us 1.5hrs on the sportsman.  Took about 35-40 minutes on the new press and I would describe it as "casual" printing. 
2. Fast, I think it was hitting 208dz a hour with heads on at one point, of course we cant print that fast though.  The press is very smooth and it's got a bunch of cool features and we are still figuring out new ones. 
3. Go to function is nice.  You can be at the main control panel and send a pallet where ever you like with about 2 button hits. 
4. You can have it memorize the Tri-lock pallet.  So you can just click it at any time and it brings it to you.  pretty nice at the end of the job just hit the button and load the tri lock up. 
5. Control nearly everything at the head or at the main control panel. 
6. Copy/head paste/head feature is nice.  So you can set your stroke/speed/pressure on 1 head and then "copy" and "paste" to any or even all heads with like 2-3 clicks.  Nice not to have to go to each head and set that.. 
7. Amazing how accurate the servo motors are on this press, you tell it to stop at 1 inch and 19 inches and it does exactly that regardless of speed of print/flood.  The Sportsman had some "coast" in the head so if you were running hard you had to compensate with the prox sensors.  None of that to worry about on this beast. 
8. Flash plug at each head, that is nice no chasing cables.
9. I love that it doesn't table up and down.... this makes loading and unloading faster. 
10. Preheat is nice.  It has a temp sensor for each pallet.... so you can set a temp you'd like the pallets, you click 1 button and put it in auto mode and the heads turn off and index/flash the pallets on its own and the press beeps at you when the pallets are ready.
Just an FYI. If this is a job that repeats occasionally use the save feature and next time you run it recall the job and it will set 95% of the parameters you used to run it the first time.

Saw that, didn't mess with that yet.  But we do have some jobs that we'd like to repeat at times and I bet we will try that out. 

Figured out the park heads function a few ago.  That's pretty nice, brings the heads forward so you can easily change out the sq/fl bars.  It also sucks the flood bar up so it doesn't flood on its way forward. 
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Re: New Press - Coming soon!
« Reply #149 on: March 07, 2014, 12:54:16 PM »
when these double stroke, does the flood bar chop down to the table being the screen frame is already down, or does the whole screen just lift back up to the print carriage for the additional flood?
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803