Author Topic: Iss ac back to 6 inches snow  (Read 1518 times)

Offline beanie357

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Iss ac back to 6 inches snow
« on: March 17, 2014, 05:07:19 AM »
We had a good show. Quality people stopping at the booth. Took clients out for dinners. Great food, drink and merriment. Bought some supplies, printed on our new kruzer. Happy happy joy joy.

Saw demo on Ste. Maybe found an Ickes stickee less expensive replacement.

Could not get kruzer out. Had truck. Had trailer for stuff and a clients new happy 4 head. The trailer was still waiting at 5 pm. Sent truck home.

Woke to 6 inches of frekin snow, packed truck sked, no spare drivers, and builder and electrician due in at 7 am to set for embroidery department move tommorrow.

Somebody up there has a real sense of humor.