Author Topic: Repeat jobs online ordering  (Read 993 times)

Offline Dochertyscott

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Repeat jobs online ordering
« on: January 18, 2014, 02:26:23 AM »
Hi all,
I have a lot of clients which sell in retail and their own merchandise stores.
75% of my work is repeat orders from a few big companies.
Things seem pretty safe as I have great relationships with purchasing managers and give great service and quality printing)
I have been looking into building a website with client login etc to upload client specific designs (products) for repeat orders along with a a client specific blog and ideas page. This way there is a history with client and if purchasing managers leave they are shown how to order through me rather than looking to shop around for better prices. (I have started with a client blog page which has had great response and now want to push it further)
As well as this it would ideally have integration with accounting software creating draft invoices and will also cut down on emails and admin.
This client page and ordering system will also give me a good point of difference and will make pitching to new clients in similar industries much more appealing.
To have the website built is a big investment which I may hold off on for a good few months.
(An automatic is my priority at this stage)
Is there any online ordering software that anyone uses that will be good for repeat ordering. Perhaps integrated with xero. Allows client login with their specific design shown?
Any advice would be appreciated.




Offline starchild

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Re: Repeat jobs online ordering
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 08:49:22 AM »
You're thinking to do something like

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Offline Dochertyscott

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Re: Repeat jobs online ordering
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2014, 04:25:15 PM »
No, not selling to the public and not selling one offs.
It would be closed pages only visible to the customer whose designs they are.
They order repeat job bulks from us.
Sorry my original message may be quite hard to understand.