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DIY Exposure Unit Question.

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blue moon:

--- Quote from: Sbrem on January 06, 2014, 03:49:53 PM ---Metal Halide will give you the proper color temperature (with the proper bulb for your emulsions) but one is sufficient for halftone (the best halftones come from using a "point source" light). My theory is that more than one source undercuts your dots; however, some of the testing I've heard about here regarding the new LED light sources use an array, but the fast exposure times seems to take care of the undercutting issues. But I digress, use one lamp, and if you can get higher wattage lamps, all the better. If you enclose it, make sure it gets plenty of air...


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the reason LEDs can be used in an array is because they are a directional light source. Light emitting from it is not scattered, but is limited to a cone shaped area. So the light three rows over is not contributing to the light pattern over here.

FL tube on the other hand bounce the light all over the place and thus produce the undercutting.



--- Quote from: Homer on September 16, 2014, 09:07:47 AM ---I got  Douthitt unit here you can snag from me for 250.00...

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What's your time frame on selling it?


--- Quote from: JackThrasher on September 25, 2014, 02:31:56 PM ---
--- Quote from: Homer on September 16, 2014, 09:07:47 AM ---I got  Douthitt unit here you can snag from me for 250.00...

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What's your time frame on selling it?

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pfft...yesterday....damn thing is taking up space....


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