screen printing > Non Textile

weird flatstock glue question

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ol man:
Quickest way by hand - double sided tape gun.   check this link ---

and i pray your not scoring by hand.


--- Quote from: Inkworks on December 20, 2013, 12:20:16 AM ---There are a few different options for the glue. 3M makes sheet-stock double sided adhesive #(7952 would work) Shear it into strips and set up a laminating station with jigs on a vacuum table.

You could also look into screen-printable adhesives.

Sorry, I'm no help on the folding. Are you die-cutting sheet card-stock that you've screenprinted? Are you using a creasing rule in the die to form a fold line?

--- End quote ---

we are printing the sheets, then die cut/score them with our die cutter. We just have to fold the tabs into place then glue by hand. That's what takes the longest as the paper is pretty heavy, so it takes a good while to fold. Our two employees were gluing and folding all day yesterday from 11am until 7:30pm, and still have 80 more to go today! so it's taking quiet a long time.

A friend of mine just told me to look for a pocket folder gluer, and modify it. So now to see if i can find one cheap. something tells me that might not be an option!

I've printed these a few times in small quantities and used something very similar to  (referenced above) but it came in smaller sheets and was a lot cheaper. 

I will look through my email archives to see if I can find out exactly what I used.  We printed precut/precreased but unglued sleeves from  They suggested hot glue, but it seemed like a mess and like it would add unnecessary thickness.  I don't remember it taking any time at all to fold and stick them, certainly not more than 4 minutes per sleeve (110 per person in 8 hours = 13.75 an hour = over 4 minutes per sleeve).  I think I was doing one sleeve every 30 seconds...

Eric, try DABnSEAL

I don't know about it's required industrial strength, but you gotta love Dabney, the Envelope Sealer's Smile!


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