screen printing > DIY - From master engineered marvels to cobbled together jury-rigged or Jerry-built junk!

Not really DIY equipment but....


We are working on getting our new screen room up and into action to start the new year out. This one will be big enough for roughly 150 screens, we will have counter space for coating, and our PRU will be in there. I REALLY wanted to put a drain in the floor but the closest drain is like 50' away and it is all concrete :-\
Yes yes yes I know it looks like some of the foundation is going to fall apart, but the original part of this building is from 1908 so there is no need to poke fun! UV covers for the lights are coming as well.


--- Quote from: TCT on December 10, 2013, 07:53:27 PM ---

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Hey Alex, I'm PRETTY sure that isn't a workbench. ;)

Holy crap.  I never thought about screen racks like that.  Even though my space would not permit it, it's freaking AWESOME!!!!

Excellent DIY

Having a full time maintenance guy has its perks, especially when he is a skilled cabinet maker. Can't show pics but I have posted before some of our stuff. Dome mirrors over presses, after cooler fans for dryers, spray out stations, color viewing booths, blockout stations, color mixing area (think of Baskin Robbins) semi automatic coating rig, etc
All the stuff I'm seeing here is very good and well built keep it up!


--- Quote from: Gilligan on December 10, 2013, 08:01:06 PM ---
Hey Alex, I'm PRETTY sure that isn't a workbench. ;)

--- End quote ---

Ha! That's pretty funny, guess I didn't really even notice that. Looking at the pics again, the first one has our other roller table used for the same thing only it is COVERED. Unfortunately that is very typical me, rushing into things like a bull. The one stretching table shouldn't even be in the screen room! ???


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