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[DIY] Screen Drying Cabinet

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mimosa, I am hoping you are just storing your screens that way, but they are upside down if that is how you are drying them.

I don't have a picture of our cabinet, but it's big enough to roll a screen rack into.  A heater is overkill since a good dehumidifier will get the cabinet over 100 quick, most heaters only go to 90 or so.


--- Quote from: mk162 on December 10, 2013, 08:53:45 AM ---mimosa, I am hoping you are just storing your screens that way, but they are upside down if that is how you are drying them.

I don't have a picture of our cabinet, but it's big enough to roll a screen rack into.  A heater is overkill since a good dehumidifier will get the cabinet over 100 quick, most heaters only go to 90 or so.

--- End quote ---

I actually dry my discharge screen squeegee side down. I only use a 1/1 coating on them so the eom is tiny which helps mash the ink into the shirt. I also found that having more emulsion on the squeegee side made the screens last longer. I am currently testing some new stuff with my coating but that has worked well for me recently.

The shop is a disaster right now compared to when i built this, but that is why im doubling my space!

if it works, keep on doin' it then.

I would however avoid a space heater and just go dehumidifier.  also hot air will hold more moisture, so a dehumidifier will remove that moisture as it evaporates out of the emulsion, a heater alone will not.

Yea I'll probably continue just using the dehumifier.

Yeah, we have a largish cabinet... Similar to yours and we just run the dehumidifier, but we are completely sealed. Necked it yesterday, 29% and like 96 degrees.


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