I've been using Ulano RLX (diazo-sensitized) for EVER...Thrown/given away soooo many samples of "modern" emulsions over the years...I now tell any rep walking in with one to just take it back to the car! For my processes/equipment (vellum, with all of it's attendant poor toner density/ milky background issues, a glorified tanning bed for an exposure unit, a wind-up egg timer, no integrator, etc.), I need a slower emulsion to get a usable screen. The exposure 'window" on the newer emulsions is so narrow, that either the emulsion falls out when it gets wet (underexposed) or the image is completely blown away (over-exposed). My exposures range from about 4 minutes (for 230 mesh) to about 20 minutes !!!!!
(61 mesh)...Sssssloooooow!
I DO like the sound of the Graphic HU "falling out" in reclaiming. I am very frustrated by my emulsion reclaim times here...Seemingly just can't get a full burn/crosslink with vellum and a single exposure....I miss my old darkroom with its' AGFA stat camera, point light source/integrator, contact frame, and FILM POSITIVES...Waaahhh!