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DIY Auto Rotating Flash?

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I want to add a 90 degree auto rotation back and forth to my flash dryer and was wondering if anyone has made their own, or if anyone had any ideas on what components could be used.  I have a foot pedal switch, which would be the easiest I think for turning it on and off, but I am at a loss as to the turning mechanism.

Any ideas?

Every one I have seen has always been woefully underpowered and eventually ends up breaking.
Large mass to swing over a wide area and a small space to fit a motor.

If you have the juice for it, quartz is actually simpler.

I know Mimo likes to build things but this is probably in the "not worth it unless you have an incredible amount of spare time and are will to experience early failure" category. That said the Hopkins models were some of the best out there. Optional foot pedal/motion detector, air flow options, time, and dwell time adjustments. I'd snap up a used one any day.

I guess your search should start with "heavy duty stepper motors"

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I'm not adverse to failure, as long as it is cheap :D

There was a fully functional hopkins 20x20 auto for sale recently for $100 and the dude simply stopped responding to me as I was trying to nail down when and where to meet to buy it.  Frustrating...

I'll look into the stepper motors.


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