"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
I want to know whether you can have blank tee shirts for sale?am looking for blank tee shirts with no screen printing.Break down are the colors am looking for.Brand ::GildanSize ::Adult SmallColor ::500 Black and 500 Maroon ::50/50 % Cotton/PolyesterQtys ::1000Let me know the total cost of the tee shirts without shipping.Kind Regards
That's really above and beyond of you. It's been my feeling of not even replying in any wayso that I don't even end up on a "valid email list" or whatever.I bet you could sit there and say nope, declined and they'd send you number after number.All in all, it seems like CC companies could really give a rats azz...
UPDATE:After telling the scammer that I only operate online and to send me the CC info, he did.Tried contacting the owner by looking his address up on the public GIS information in his town. He didn't answer so I left a message. Found the bank issuer of the card by the first 6 digits (you can find these online) and called Chase card services and reported the fraud attempt.They put a hold on his account and thanked me a bunch. lol wasted 30 minutes of my life, but at least I can say I did it once!!If you feel like baiting them, I'd suggest just calling the card issuer by looking up the first 6 numbers on the card and reporting it to them, would have saved me 20 minutes!
The part of this I've never understood - If and when they find their sucker (and they must, they keep on coming) ... How do they profit? Do they accept delivery and re-sell the shirts "fell off the back of a truck"-style? Surely there are better ways to make bank off stolen number than to buy something like a blank which compared with many other things is incredibly bulky and low cost?? Am I missing something?
Wow this makes me think of a great program these banks and CC companies should implement. Have some type of incentive program for reporting confirmed stolen card numbers. Just look at us bunch we trash the stupid emails or hang up on these guys when they call, imagine we had an incentive to take the time and bag them.