Tony is spot on yet again. Also, are you CTS, "no glass and draw down blanket", or through glass and drawdown? Is your unit self contained, or free standing wall style exposing? All of that factors in. There are a few other guys on the board here now using HXT for their water based prints using different types of exposure units. I've chatted with guys using HXT exposing normally through glass film and drawing down the blanket with 1,000 watt, 1,200 watt, and I think a guy with a Richmond who is probably using the 10k bulb. Contact your local CCI rep, or Robert Luca at CCI, they are very open to sending a sample for you to try. Dial in your times, trust me, once you get it right, you won't go back to anything else for WB printing. I know we won't it's flawless reliable every time emulsion when dialed in correctly.