Computers and Software > Separation Programs

Upgrading to Ultraseps v2 from QS Pro ?

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--- Quote from: Horizongfx on November 22, 2013, 10:06:58 PM ---I may just do that, but i never run a file straight from the actions  to the press i always merge and apply channels manually, i have much better control that way. there were a few unique actions that i watched on the video that may prove to be useful.
I upgraded from the original quickseps to Professional several years ago, I just feel like $399.00 is a lot of money for a small shop such as mine to pay for what i really feel aught to be an upgrade. :o

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I know what you mean. 

But for a test, I might recommend you take a raw PS image.  Run it thru QS and don't tweak a thing.  Send me the raw image.  I'll run thru Ultraseps and won't tweak anything and send back.  Then you can compare the two....before treaking/merging channels.

I've been through all of the upgrades, and none of them cost me $400, in fact, the last one was free (UltraSeps V2). Check with Steve, he's pretty reasonable.



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