Screenprintguy, Mike? This is excellent info. I never would have looked at HXT, they mention nothing of it's water resistance in the lit....putting a sample on our order today and will tell 'em you sent me to it. It'll go head to head with Nova in our tests. Looks like Murakami's out since they couldn't be bothered to send me the one sample I requested 4 times. Shame, always liked their emulsion.
Where are you getting the Kiwo WR blue? I've been wanting to get this (or any WR blockout) and stop the post-expo madness around here for a long time now but Midwest is the only one carrying it in my area it seems but I dislike supporting them, even for something small like blockout. Also, I do like those blue blockout pens for quick touchups.
How is the elasticity of this HXT? Our only major issue with HVP is that it will crack when coated for plastisol. Do you use this for both WB and Plasti or just WB given the longer expo? HVP standing as the "one emulsion" has really kept us with it since it can coat thicker for plasti and do the WB (with blockout/post expo/hardening that is....)