"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
what kinds of press are we leveling the plattens on?
M&R Gauntlet
Like Pat said do the screen holders also so everything is the same. I use two steel rules both 1/8" thick. I lay one on the pallet front to back and slide the other on its edge to the screen holder and adjust so it is flat on the other ruler and on the holder. I may just be too anal about it but once everything is adjusted I always make sure the same pallet stays with the same arm.
Hey Alan thats pretty cool but from my reasoning that will only parallel all the palettes to that particular head. What do you do about making all the other heads match the base one? For instance on my press none of my print heads are identical some are way way off so the only option I have is paralleling the hangers to the palettes.